Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some cyclocross results...

CX season is well under way with only four race days left in the season. In my opinion this is one of the most demanding forms of racing a person can choose to participate in. Ups and plenty of downs. Crashes, bad starts, bad sprints, and plenty of tough competition. It's been said and I'll repeat, this is not a sport for the weak.

The Utah State Championships were just held and many on the Joyride Bikes Team had a great showing. The season has seen us with lots of top-tens and some tough showings. Beth has been fighting in the women's A's, Dan had ridden tough in the men's A's with a really hard crash, Brad B. has been a machine in the B's with a full schedule-that's why Brad has always been fast. Robert Hamlin has been awesome in the 45 masters... fair warning to anyone who plans to keep up with him. Brian has come on very strong in the single speed after several-year absence from racing 'cross. Brian H. is the Energizer Bunny. He'll ride five hours, climb 6000' and do it again the next day. He consistently doubles up on race day and always pushes himself. Local powerhouse Johnny B. has been where he usually is-at the front. Myself has had one good showing in Idaho and one in the 35+ masters in Utah, the rest-not so good. Graysen has been on the podium of every junior race he's entered this season.

John Burton is our 2010/11 2nd place in single speed (these guys are fast!). Congrats out to all the team for a strong showing so far. For the rest of you enjoy this photo montage that should convince anyone that bike racing is not easy.

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