Thursday, January 10, 2008

One year down.

So it's official; it has been one year and a few weeks that the new crew have been at it at Joyride Bikes. It has been an interesting year with the struggles to balance time, customer needs, trying to establish the standards we strive for in this new business, and balancing personal needs. There is never a shortage of work to do and people to help.

It’s not like it is all new to us though. I’ve been in the industry for 12 years now. I’ve had the chance to develop and hone skills as a mechanic, bike fitter, and as a salesperson who truly tries to listen to customers. I’ve been exposed to about every bike out there and have been a major factor in the success of numerous bike shops. I have also been able to work with and learn from some great individuals.

The advice and questions from many of you have been informative and encouraging – thanks for the contributions! We look forward to this year with many new and FUN plans in the works. So check back often and get out there – Spring is coming!