Friday, February 6, 2009

Am I slow?

Why yes, I am slow. Do I race? Yes, I do race. Is that ok? Absolutely.

Regardless of whether we ride for fun or trying to have fun and trying to be faster than someone, anyone-it doesn't matter how fast we are. I'm slow. I'm faster than some of you and slower than many of you.

Speed is relative. Even speed on a bike. Graeme Obree is fast. Brent Carpenter that got to carry the Olympic flame isn't fast on that scale but sure has fun. On the continuum of speed there are stops all along the way. The most fun for me is to see where I have moved on that continuum relative to other times and other circumstances. In my younger years, if faster was further to the right, I'm convinced I was much faster than I am now. I rode more, had more time for play and took advantage of it. I'm now further to the left but it's still fun to race and see where I am now relative to the positions that others have stopped at on that same continuum. Whether they are now training and going much faster and I've trained less, or the opposite, it's great to see other progress and hopefully go with them.

Setting goals and realizing that; yes, I did hang onto that group longer than last week is a great reward in itself. For those of us going for a spot on the podium to those simply trying to finish before anyone, racing is good. So yes, slow is a stop I've frequently hovered around but that certainly won't keep me from pinning on a number and getting out and testing myself on the race course. Slow shouldn't stop you either.

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