Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good post by Dayton Crites on Trails we get to Enjoy.

Here's a great little post Dayton wrote on some issues that mountain bikers will have to begin taking consideration of as outdoor recreation from all user groups becomes more popular.

Preserving Access
June 6, 2011
by Lonesome Hank

Think of all the miles of singletrack you’ve ridden in your life. Think of the hundreds of thousands of feet of manicured earth you’ve enjoyed, the meters of berm and roller you’ve utilized to defy gravity for just a moment. Adds up, don’t it?

Think of all the times you’ve come across a downed tree, a rockfall, washed out section, or other obstacle blocking the trail. Maybe, if it was in your power, you moved it. Maybe it was too big, you vowed to come back with friends and tools to take care of it. Maybe you didn’t.

Point being, is that for all we enjoy riding the trails, too few of us get involved in the effort of maintaining them.

I’m one of the guilty party too. National Trail Day came and went, and I only found out after the fact that a dedicated crew of trail workers was there, working on improvements all day long. And from what I hear, there were not many mountain bikers.

In Green Canyon, that’s a problem.

That trail is one of the best resources of any Logan or Cache County mountain biker, and we need to show we care about the trails we love to ride. The more we do that, the more opportunities we’re going to get, from eventual access at Beaver Mountain to more mountain bike and freeride specific opportunities in Providence canyon and elsewhere.

But please, don’t be one of those people building imitation north shore features on public land. That does nothing but piss the forest service off, and make it harder than ever to establish more mountain bike opportunities.

If you want to help us create more goodwill with the forest service, and establish mountain bike specific trails that will last several lifetimes – come out and help us build again in Green Canyon. I’ll See you there.

June 11th 8:30am, Green Canyon Parking Lot

Thanks Dayton and see you there!

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